Key Picture
A random stream of water which my flatmate is tempted to row in. You wouldn’t believe me but I have normal friends.
Walk description
Key highlights
- Great weather and a lot of rainbows! It made total sense to be gay that day.
- The path looked easy but did get annoying at a lot of parts. But really enjoyable walk.
- Killin looks like mini version of a swiss town (With the highlands replicating a smaller version of the Alps and the cost being scaled down as well). Great place to go if you are broke and want to enjoy good views.
First identified rainbow, this was the first instance of the gayness unleashed (Still straight though). I don’t have a picture but there was a double rainbow by basic arithmetic makes you straight as well.
Proof that no one was tortured during this hike. I am not liable to people having traumatic memories listening to me talk for 4 hours straight :-).
Oww look another rainbow with camel humped style hills in the background. Don’t get fooled by the weather the path was pretty swampy.
Wee beauty!